ANNOUNCEMENT: I've published my first book!

I was six the first time I tried to write a book. It was about my brother and the toy car he was playing with. I said the car was red, even though it was blue–even then I understood the concept of ‘poetic license,’ although it was more about what I could spell than anything else.

When I was in my early twenties, I gave up on writing once and for all. “If I can’t do it now, while I’m at my peak, while I know absolutely everything, then I’ll never do it at all,” I said to myself.

In January 2019, I started writing again. I had an idea, and I’d grown up enough to know that the me who’s given up ten years previously wasn’t as clever as she thought she was. It was a long, hard journey, that first book, but I finished it. It was the first time I’d ever finished a book I’d started, and I’m very, very proud of my creation. And everything I’ve been working on since has been far easier to write!

The Reality Warper (available on Amazon) is the first book in a three book trilogy. In it, a young girl named Evelyn Acorn (but you’d better call her Ev!) discovers (rather suddenly and without much time to prepare) that the underground home she’s lived in her entire life isn’t the full story. She is forced to emerge into the sunlight and face the fact that the world she’d been told was destroyed is still very much around. Oh, and she can fly, and shoot fire, and. . .something else. . .

The Reality Warper is YA/Middle Grade fiction, and I have it on good authority from several young people (many of which aren’t even related to me) that it’s a very fun read. Follow my Facebook page for regular updates on what I’m working on.

Me and my book.